Heather’s Blog

The Singer

Here are a few videos of Elyssa singing. She is too cute!

This first video is of her singing a song off of a “God Rocks” DVD. All of the songs from the “God Rocks” DVDs are straight from Scripture. She is singing about the fruit of the Spirit in this little clip.

This second video is of Elyssa singing another song from a “God Rocks” Christmas DVD. She is singing the verse “Unto us a Child is born. Unto us a Son is given. And the government will be on His shoulders.” Sometimes she will get on the keyboard at home and play her heart out while singing this song. I love it!


Corn – Part II

Here is a video of Natalie eating her corn on the cob from a few nights ago. Get ready to laugh. It’s hilarious!

Elyssa also had a big belly from eating corn! Here she is showing off her abs!


Six More Weeks

Six more weeks … that is the magic number! Victoria had her first appointment with her local cardiologist, Dr. David Mayer, and he wants her out of commission for six more weeks to continue her recovery. So, it looks like we will not be taking her out to any public places for a while longer. I’m up to the challenge, though. I’ve survived this long and I can do it for six more weeks. Piece of cake … I think!

Dr. Mayer said that Victoria’s heart echo today looked great. He said there is very little leakage, which is amazing. Of course, he will watch that as she grows to make sure none of that increases. He wrote down the three defects that were found and repaired in Victoria’s heart once her surgery began. Here they are:

1. Endocardial Cushion Defect
2. Atrial Septal Defect
3. Double Outlet Right Ventricle

I’ll let you look those up on your own to get the details of what each of those entails. I did find out, however, that the Double Outlet Right Ventricle was not something that Dr. Mayer or the other cardiologist in Birmingham knew about prior to her surgery. Neither of them saw that on the heart echos that were performed. So, that defect was a surprise to the surgeon, Dr. Knott-Craig, as well.

We are still amazed at what God has done in little Victoria’s heart and how he has used these intelligent men to help bring healing to her body. We are so thankful for each of them and how they have blessed our lives by blessing our baby.

Dr. Mayer said that he will not need to see Victoria for six weeks. Next week I can discontinue the diuretic but will continue the Captopril (for her blood pressure). She is also taking a thyroid medication. He told me that if she has any fever to call immediately. He said, if she does run fever at any point, to expect to have to take her to the emergency room for immediate tests and blood work to be done to make sure there is no onset of infection. Any medical needs that she has for the next six weeks I am to run through their office to make sure she is on the up and up.

Please continue to pray for complete healing for Victoria. We still have a long road to walk with her recovery, but we are closer than we’ve been before. Even after I can take her to church with me, I can see myself wanting to be conservative with even letting others hold her at first. We have to be so careful with her right now because of her sternum healing. I wouldn’t want someone to pick her up under her arms (which is a “no-no”) and injure her in any way. She is still really fragile. I’m sure that with time, I’ll be more comfortable with others looking after her for me, but I will take those baby steps much later.

Victoria’s weight today was 8 lbs 2 oz. She has gained a few ounces since last week, so we are thankful. Unfortunately, her eye infection is returning. Pray that the drops that I have for her work quickly to resolve that infection.

I have posted a picture today of Dr. David Mayer along with two of his nurses, Kathy and Rachael. They have all been such a huge support for us and we are very thankful for them!

We are thankful, again, for all of the love, support and prayers from all of you! We have been blessed beyond measure during this interesting time in our lives!


Mom and Dad (Mark’s parents) came over today and we had such a good time with them. There were many fun things throughout the day, but one highlight sticks out to me.

Natalie has always been a great eater. After Mark and I came back from UAB, we looked at her and said, “What happened?” She looked like she had put on quite a few pounds while we were away. Talk about thighs!! Although she is a great eater, she is still picky about what she eats. Therefore, when she actually ate corn today and liked it, we were surprised. She loved the corn we had. It had come from Mom and Dad’s garden and had just been picked this morning. It was delicious. Natalie agreed and showed it in her consumption of it.

I had cut the corn off of the cob, originally, and she had been eating it that way. Then, Dad gave her what was left of his cob. She loved eating the corn directly off of the cob! She finished off the cob and kept trying to find kernels she could eat off of it. She would not give her cob up for anything. We finally had to distract her to get the cob away. We just had to take a picture of her enjoying her corn on the cob and share it with you.

I believe, however, we will be paying for Natalie’s huge consumption of corn. She’s already been crying and having, what seems to be like, a tummy-ache. Unfortunately, it looks like it might be a long night for the Messicks!

PS – I took a picture of Victoria today. She is looking even better. She had a great day and really wanted to eat a lot this afternoon. I believe that is a good sign. I’ve heard after heart surgery that most babies really put the weight on quickly. I’m hoping that will happen for Victoria also.


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