Heather’s Blog

Picture Day

Today was picture day for the girls, especially Elyssa and Victoria. Elyssa had her 3-year-old photos and Victoria had her first EVER professional photos at Colonial Photography.

Elyssa did wonderful, of course! She is such a pro at this now. She’s been having photos done since she was 3 months old and gets better with each session. Actually, today, Mr. John kept commenting on Elyssa being a “little model.” She struck more poses than I’ve ever seen a girl her age strike on their own. She was so cute! She had a great smile and I am excited to see her proofs. They should be great! By the way, isn’t this dress so cute? My sister, Shana, made it for Elyssa’s 3rd birthday!

Next came Victoria. She had been smiling well at home but she didn’t give us many smiles today. We went ahead and took photos but may have to try again with her. She may have been in awe of a new place.

Mr. John, the photographer and owner of Colonial Photography, gave us an extra-special blessing today. He told me that he, Erin and Belinda (the other employees there) wanted to give Victoria a Baby Plan. This would include her sitting fees and 4 photos for each session at her first year’s photos! I was so surprised that I almost cried. That was something that meant a whole lot to me as documenting all of my girl’s lives has been a hobby of mine. I’m a sucker for photo albums and such, so this was such a wonderful gift and very much appreciated! I look forward to looking back on Victoria’s first year through the pictures that Mr. John takes of her. I’m sure that each photo will remind me of the miracles that God has worked in her life.

Mark arrived home shortly after lunch. Boy, was it nice to have him back home since he was away speaking at a Children’s Camp this week!

After the girls awoke from their naps, we drove to Dauphin Island’s Sea Lab with my dad. The girls LOVED it! What a great get-away for an afternoon! Who knew that you could find such fun things to do in your own town? You’ll have to forgive Natalie’s appearance in this photo. She was really not wanting to take a picture at the time! She wanted “down” so she could see all the cool fish swimming around!

Here are a few videos of cool things we saw there! God surely created magnificent creatures!


What’s In A Name?

Some of you may wonder how we came up with Victoria’s name. It’s an interesting story.

I was eleven weeks pregnant when I had my first ultrasound with Victoria. The date was Monday, September, 17, 2007. My OBGYN had gotten a new ultrasound machine and wanted me to come in to help her tech train on it. She had scheduled several of us pregnant women to come in that day and I was the second woman they did an ultrasound on. Mark was out of town speaking at a conference in Georgia so my mom went with me to my appointment that day. We took Elyssa and Natalie with us, as well. Of course, this was the infamous visit where I was told that something didn’t look right with the baby. My feelings were all confused and mixed up. I didn’t know what to think or feel. I immediately called Mark in Georgia and gave him the news. I was crying when I told him the findings of the ultrasound. It was hard for him to hear this type of news being so far away, but God was such a refuge for him.

While speaking at the conference at Sherwood Baptist Church, he became re-aquainted with Victoria McBride. Victoria had worked at First Baptist North Mobile when attending the University of Mobile. She now serves as the assistant to one of the pastors there at Sherwood. During those first few days, Mark couldn’t get the name “Victoria” out of his head. God kept bringing that name to mind when thinking of the news of our unborn baby’s health situation. When we talked on the phone Wednesday of that same week, Mark told me of the name Victoria. We knew by looking it up, that it meant “victorious.” I felt total peace about this name and agreed with Mark’s decision to name our “problematic” baby Victoria.

God had a neat way of confirming Victoria’s name to me that same day. I had gone to choir rehearsal that night and before leaving the church for home, I stopped by the bathroom. While using the facilities (yes, I was using the bathroom!!), I looked up to see a new roll of toilet paper that had not been unwrapped yet sitting on the shelf in front of me. While still in it’s wrapper, it had something printed on it in bright blue letters. It was the name “Victoria.” I almost flipped out right there in the restroom! That was too much of a coincidence. I knew that was a confirmation! As crazy as it seemed, I knew I had received a sign from God about Victoria’s name in the bathroom!

The next confirmation that God gave me was that same night a few moments later. As I pulled out of the parking lot of the church to the exit lane, I was stopped at the traffic light. While sitting at the light I looked to my left. There is a Krystal located there. I noticed on their sign at the very top it had the word, “victory,” all by itself. I almost flipped out again! I know I said out-loud in my car, “No way!” I couldn’t believe what I had just seen. God was showing me again that this little baby was going to be a bundle of victory.

A few weeks later, I began looking through my baby name book for middle names. I looked for all the “spiritual” names like Hannah, Grace, Faith, etc. I wasn’t “struck” by any of them. Then, I remembered that Mark has a wonderful aunt named Jane. I looked up Jane. It meant “God is gracious.” So, this name made it on my list. As Mark looked over my list that same night, I heard him mention that he wondered what the name would mean if you spelled it Jayne. Our pastor’s wife had died about a month before in a terrible accident and her middle name was Jayne. We remember thinking that Jayne was so pretty and Tammy was such a beloved woman of God. It wasn’t until several weeks later that we actually looked up what Jayne meant. To our surprise, it meant “victory.” We believe that God was all over that name, too! So, from then on our new baby’s name was Victoria Jayne.

As we prayed for Victoria Jayne through my pregnancy, her birth and recent heart surgery, God always reminded us that she was and is His “victorious victory.”
We serve a good God who shows His hand at every turn. How can we not praise Him?

So Proud

Today I feel so proud of Elyssa and Victoria. Let me tell you why.

This morning I took Victoria with me to Springhill Hospital. I met with Eileen, the lactation consultant. I had wanted to get a good idea of what Victoria was taking in when she was nursing. Well, my little special girl ate a little over 3 ounces this morning while nursing! That is usually what she would eat if I pumped and fed her from a bottle. I was SO encouraged! I am now feeling pretty comfortable about how she is nursing and may start being brave enough to let her nurse while we are out without worrying about pumping before I run my errands. Besides her getting a little distracted at times, she did very well in her nursing session at the hospital. Thanks to Eileen for letting me come and weigh Victoria!

Early this afternoon I took Elyssa for her very first dental appointment. I had been telling her what to expect for several days so I was hoping we would have a good experience there. Upon arriving we signed in, filled out paperwork and waited for a few extra minutes in the waiting area. She was very well behaved and made several friends in the lobby. Everyone thought she was so cute! One lady even gave her two quarters so she could buy two prizes out of their toy machines. She later got up in that lady’s lap and you would’ve thought she was her grandma the way she hugged on her. It was really sweet.

When she was called back, she was a big girl and followed Amber (the hygienist) right back to her chair. She climbed up in the chair and sat there like such a big girl! She never once asked me to sit with her. Amber put on her bib and the questions began. Elyssa would ask, “What are you doing? What is that?” Amber explained everything she was doing and what every instrument did.

Elyssa let Amber count her teeth, clean her teeth and scrape her teeth. I was SO proud of how well she did. I was amazed! Amber was too! There was no crying, whimpering or anything closely related to that. It was an awesome experience for Elyssa and she loved all of the prizes she got while at Dr. Court’s office. She will definitely look forward to going back in six months and we are excited because her teeth look GREAT! Thanks Amber and Dr. Court!

Today has been a wonderful day and a blessing from the Lord! Thanks to God for His awesome surprises in our lives!

Boldly Overwhelmed

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that you feel your body wanting to scream? Some of you are shouting out a “hallelujah” about right now! For your entertainment, let me go through some of my list of “to do’s” so you’ll know why I’m feeling so crazy present day.

First of all, school will be starting soon for Elyssa and I’m having to purchase school supplies for her. (I cannot believe she is actually starting 3K!) I’ve still not finished that shopping. Also, I start teaching Commercial Voice soon at UM and need to get myself organized for that. This is a matter of just typing up some paperwork for my records, but it still involves me setting aside time to do it. On top of these things, we will be starting therapy programs soon with Victoria. Don’t even ask me how this will fit into our lives! Being that we will meet with a person from Early Intervention weekly, I know this will involve more of our time for those appointments. Plus, they will be teaching me things that I need to do with Victoria during each day’s activities to help further her development. Again, another time issue. PLUS, KidGrid (our church’s family worship service) is starting back and I lead the praise team for that. I’ve got to lay out set lists, get my singers scheduled and also get music to them to start preparing for our first rehearsal.

I could go on and on, but I know you don’t want to hear ALL of my woes. Basically, I’m feeling a little pulled in every direction and sometimes I feel myself on the verge of going nuts. I start asking myself, “Okay … how do I keep up a house and manage things at home with everything going on in my life? Also, where is time for ME?” And, unfortunately, I’ve come to the realization that I will not be able to keep my house as clean and tidy as I would like to for a while, probably. Having three young kids in the house kinda thwarts that dream.

I can now surrender and boldly admit that I cannot keep up. That is where I am in my life today. I will try to do my best at everything on my plate, but my “ah ha” moment today tells me that it will not be possible for me to do everything as perfect as I would like. There is no use in beating myself up about it. Any “Amen’s” from the choir yet? Anyone been there before?

So, I will live my life doing as much as I can to complete all of my tasks but I will definitely have to … “Search for the Lord and for His strength and continually seek Him.” (1 Chronicles 16:11) On the overwhelming days, I will pray Psalm 28:7. “The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. ” Let us all burst out in songs of thanksgiving, having faith that God will give us what we need exactly when we need it. On the crazy school days, let us look to Him and rely on His strength.

Okay everyone, let’s say it together – “Hallepenya!”

PS – Victoria had her checkup with her pediatrician today. She now weighs 10lbs, which is a huge praise! She had 4 shots, which was no fun, but, overall, it was a great visit. We love Dr. Faye!

PSS – My doctor still insisted yesterday at my appointment that I did have something viral, so I will just wait out my cold junk. I can tell that things are getting better, so that is good. He did have the lab draw some blood and they will check my thyroid since I’ve been experiencing some episodes of fatigue. Hopefully, it will be negative. I’m sure with everything going on, my “tiredness” has just caught up with me.

PSSS – Here is the cutest video of Elyssa singing “Swing Low Sweet Chariot.” Those of us with extra-stressful days, might sing the song like this … “carry, carry, carry me home!” You gotta love how kids sings songs!


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