Heather’s Blog

Dedication Day

Today was baby dedication (and Victoria’s 5-month-birthday!) and Victoria was among the twelve other babies dedicated at our church. She looked beautiful, wearing the same heirloom dress that Elyssa and Natalie wore at their baby dedications (Thanks to my Integrity Music friends for that beautiful dress!!!).

We were reminded, again, through this wonderful ceremony how blessed we are to have Victoria Jayne. She is such a special gift (along with her sisters!) and we recognize that each and every day.

Here is a little video from the dedication. Our “special” baby, Victoria, just had to try and sit up to see what was going on. I still am amazed at her strength and can hardly wait to see what she does in her life. I think she’ll teach us all a thing or two!


Special Visit

We were blessed by a visit from Mark’s sister, Karen, today. She just arrived in town from California last night. She is great about coming into town at least once a year. Of course, the past three years she has really had a reason to come see us! We’ve had babies all three years!

Mark’s parents also came to visit since Karen is staying with them. They ended up buying Elyssa a sandbox today, which she LOVES! She always wants to play in the dirt, so this is right up her alley!

Here are a few more pictures from the day!

Karen with Elyssa and Natalie.

Karen, O’Neal and the girls!

Karen and Victoria.


Free Ride

I love to watch kids play. It’s interesting that they turn toys into all sorts of things by use of their imagination. It’s especially neat to see my two girls finally playing cute together and turning our baby doll stroller into a stroller just for them. No matter that they are WAY to big to even be trying to sit into the stroller! It’s just plain fun!

Here is Natalie strolling Elyssa around.

Elyssa returned the favor and strolled Natalie around.

Victoria isn’t old enough to stroll her older sister’s around, but she is making strides nonetheless! She was sitting against my legs the other afternoon and I let her grab my fingers. On her own, she pulled herself forward toward me. It was the cutest thing. She just had to be close to her mama (or either she was trying to tell me she wanted to nurse!) I have really been amazed by her strength and determination and believe that this is a sign of wonderful things to come for her!

What a lovely pair!

Little Bit Of Comedy

Some of you may remember my segment called “What Is With?” that I wrote while at UAB in the middle of some pretty insane circumstances. Many commented that they enjoyed the humor I had in the midst of those hard times. Well, you might be glad to see that humor come back in my segment for today called, “How Depressing Is It?” Here we go!

1. How depressing is it when you notice gray hairs growing in your eyebrows???

2. How depressing is it when you see brown spots appear on your face after THREE pregnancies? By the way, this photo is NOT Mars from space. It’s my face!

3. How depressing is it when you start to see crazy veins on your legs?

4. How depressing is it when your hair color starts to grow out a little and you see how much gray is REALLY growing on top of your head?

5. And finally, how depressing is it when you flex your arm and you cannot even see the muscle that is flexed for all the fat hanging down on the underside of your arm???

Of course, there is hope for the arm issue once I really get serious about losing baby weight, but for the other things, I just cover them up the best I can and say with as much enthusiasm as I can muster … “Welcome old age!”


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